Your Guide To American Tower’s ESPP: Everything You Need To Know
by Andy Kalmon
Nov 22, 2024
If you work at American Tower, you may be eligible to enroll in the employee stock purchase plan (ESPP). To help you make the most of this opportunity, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide to all the ins and outs of this program, from how it works to how you enroll.
If you’d like to learn more about how ESPPs work in general, be sure to read our blog about an overview of employee stock purchase plans.
Make More Money from your ESPP with Benny’s New Program
Benny 2.0 automatically manages your Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP) to make you more money without disrupting your take-home pay.
Here’s a quick rundown of how American Tower’s ESPP works.
You can buy American Tower stock at a 15% discount.
You can enroll twice a year:
May 15th
Nov 14th
You can contribute up to 15% of your salary with a maximum of $21,250 per year.
Should You Participate In American Tower’s ESPP?
When you enroll in American Tower’s ESPP, you have the opportunity to purchase shares of your company stock at a discounted price through automatic payroll deductions.
The benefits of participating in an ESPP are clear – you can make gains and build wealth. In fact, American Tower employees can gain $3,750 or even more annually through their ESPP.
American Tower’s ESPP Discount
American Tower offers employees an opportunity to buy American Tower stock at a 15% discount.
American Tower’s ESPP Enrollment Periods
You can enroll in American Tower’s ESPP twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall. You can enroll by the following dates:
May 15th
Nov 14th
American Tower’s ESPP Contribution Limits
The first thing you need to do is decide how much you want to contribute. You can contribute up to 15% of your salary, with a limit of $21,250 per year.
American Tower’s ESPP Offering Period
The offering period is the time that employees can purchase the stock. American Tower’s employee stock purchase plan (ESPP) has two 6-month offering periods every year.
When you’re participating in American Tower’s ESPP, you set aside money from each paycheck from the beginning of a purchase period through the end. At the end of this purchase period, the money that has been set aside is used to purchase company stock at a discount.
If you are interested in American Tower’s ESPP, here are some key dates to keep in mind.
The offering periods are
Jun 1st – Nov 30th
Dec 1st – May 31st
The stock purchase dates are the last trading day before the end of each period.
Selling Your ESPP Shares
Once American Tower purchases the shares on your behalf, they will be deposited into your brokerage account. From there, you can do what you want with them…sell immediately (as long as it’s during the open trading windows), hold for a short time, hold for an extended time, etc.
Make More Money from your ESPP with Benny’s New Program
Benny 2.0 automatically manages your Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP) to make you more money without disrupting your take-home pay.